23 research outputs found

    Äärelliset tilamallit lukupuheen tunnistamisessa ja tarkastamisessa

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    An automatic speech recognition system has to combine acoustic and linguistic information. Therefore the search space spans multiple layers. Finite state models and weighted finite state transducers in particular can efficiently represent this search space by modeling each layer as a transducer and combining them using generic weighted finite state transducer algorithms. When recognising a text prompt being read aloud, the prompt gives a good estimate of what is going to be said. However human reading naturally produces some deviations from the text, called miscues. The purpose of this thesis is to create a system which accurately recognises recordings of reading. A miscue tolerant finite state language model is implemented and compared against two traditional approaches, an N-gram model and forced alignment. The recognition result will ultimately be used to validate the recording as fit for further automatic processing in a spoken foreign language exam, which Project DigiTala is designing for the Finnish matriculation examination. The computerization of the matriculation examination in Finland makes the use of such automatic tools possible. This thesis first introduces the context for the task of recognising and validating reading. Then it explores three methodologies needed to solve the task: automatic speech recognition, finite state models, and the modeling of reading. Next it recounts the implementation of the miscue tolerant finite state language models and the two baseline methods. After that it describes experiments which show that the miscue tolerant finite state language models solve the task of this thesis significantly better than the baseline methods. Finally the thesis concludes with a discussion of the results and future work.Automaattinen puheentunnistusjärjestelmä yhdistää akustista ja kielellistä tietoa, joten sen hakuavaruus on monitasoinen. Tämän hakuavaruuden voi esittää tehokkaasti äärellisillä tilamalleilla. Erityisesti painotetut äärelliset tilamuuttajat voivat esittää jokaista hakuavaruuden tasoa ja nämä muuttajat voidaan yhdistää yleisillä muuttaja-algoritmeilla. Kun tunnistetaan ääneen lukemista syötteestä, syöte rajaa hakuavaruutta hyvin. Ihmiset kuitenkin poikkeavat tekstistä hieman. Kutsun näitä lukupoikkeamiksi, koska ne ovat luonnollinen osa taitavaakin lukemista, eivätkä siis suoranaisesti lukuvirheitä. Tämän diplomityön tavoite on luoda järjestelmä, joka tunnistaa lukupuheäänitteitä tarkasti. Tätä varten toteutetaan lukupoikkeamia sietävä äärellisen tilan kielimalli, jota verrataan kahteen perinteiseen menetelmään, N-gram malleihin ja pakotettuun kohdistukseen. Lukupuheen tunnistustulosta käytetään, kun tarkastetaan, sopiiko äänite seuraaviin automaattisiin käsittelyvaiheisiin puhutussa vieraan kielen kokeessa. DigiTalaprojekti muotoilee puhuttua osiota vieraan kielen ylioppilaskokeisiin. Ylioppilaskokeiden sähköistäminen mahdollistaa tällaisten automaattisten menetelmien käytön. Kokeet sekä englanninkielisellä simuloidulla aineistolla että ruotsinkielisellä tosimaailman aineistolla osoittavat, että lukupoikkeamia sietävä äärellisen tilan kielimalli ratkaisee diplomityön ongelmanasettelun. Vaikealla tosimaailman aineistolla saadaan 3.77 ± 0.47 prosentuaalinen sanavirhemäärä

    The MeMAD Submission to the IWSLT 2018 Speech Translation Task

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    This paper describes the MeMAD project entry to the IWSLT Speech Translation Shared Task, addressing the translation of English audio into German text. Between the pipeline and end-to-end model tracks, we participated only in the former, with three contrastive systems. We tried also the latter, but were not able to finish our end-to-end model in time. All of our systems start by transcribing the audio into text through an automatic speech recognition model trained on the TED-LIUM English Speech Recognition Corpus. Afterwards, we feed the transcripts into English-German text-based neural machine translation (NMT) models. Our systems employ three different translation models trained on separate training sets compiled from the English-German part of the TED Speech Translation Corpus and the OpenSubtitles2018 section of the OPUS collection. In this paper, we also describe the experiments leading up to our final systems. Our experiments indicate that using OpenSubtitles2018 in training significantly improves translation performance. We also experimented with various pre- and postprocessing routines for the NMT module, but we did not have much success with these. Our best-scoring system attains a BLEU score of 16.45 on the test set for this year’s task

    Morfessor-enriched features and multilingual training for canonical morphological segmentation

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    In our submission to the SIGMORPHON 2022 Shared Task on Morpheme Segmentation, we study whether an unsupervised morphological segmentation method, Morfessor, can help in a supervised setting. Previous research has shown the effectiveness of the approach in semisupervised settings with small amounts of labeled data. The current tasks vary in data size: the amount of word-level annotated training data is much larger, but the amount of sentencelevel annotated training data remains small. Our approach is to pre-segment the input data for a neural sequence-to-sequence model with the unsupervised method. As the unsupervised method can be trained with raw text data, we use Wikipedia to increase the amount of training data. In addition, we train multilingual models for the sentence-level task. The results for the Morfessor-enriched features are mixed, showing benefit for all three sentencelevel tasks but only some of the word-level tasks. The multilingual training yields considerable improvements over the monolingual sentence-level models, but it negates the effect of the enriched features.Peer reviewe

    Self-supervised end-to-end ASR for low resource L2 Swedish

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    Publisher Copyright: Copyright © 2021 ISCA.Unlike traditional (hybrid) Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), end-to-end ASR systems simplify the training procedure by directly mapping acoustic features to sequences of graphemes or characters, thereby eliminating the need for specialized acoustic, language, or pronunciation models. However, one drawback of end-to-end ASR systems is that they require more training data than conventional ASR systems to achieve similar word error rate (WER). This makes it difficult to develop ASR systems for tasks where transcribed target data is limited such as developing ASR for Second Language (L2) speakers of Swedish. Nonetheless, recent advancements in selfsupervised acoustic learning, manifested in wav2vec models [1, 2, 3], leverage the available untranscribed speech data to provide compact acoustic representation that can achieve low WER when incorporated in end-to-end systems. To this end, we experiment with several monolingual and cross-lingual selfsupervised acoustic models to develop end-to-end ASR system for L2 Swedish. Even though our test is very small, it indicates that these systems are competitive in performance with traditional ASR pipeline. Our best model seems to reduce the WER by 7% relative to our traditional ASR baseline trained on the same target data.Peer reviewe

    Puheentunnistus videoaineistosta

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    Spherediar: An Effective Speaker Diarization System for Meeting Data

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    | openaire: EC/H2020/780069/EU//MeMADIn this paper, we present SphereDiar, a speaker diarization system composed of three novel subsystems: The Sphere-Speaker (SS) neural network, designed for speaker embedding extraction, a segmentation method called Homogeneity Based Segmentation (HBS) and a clustering algorithm called Top Two Silhouettes (Top2S). The system is evaluated on a set of over 200 manually transcribed multiparty meetings. The evaluation reveals that the system can be further simplified by omitting the use of HBS. Furthermore, we illustrate that SphereDiar achieves state-of-The-Art results with two different meeting data sets.Peer reviewe

    Speaker-Aware Training of Attention-Based End-to-End Speech Recognition Using Neural Speaker Embeddings

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    | openaire: EC/H2020/780069/EU//MeMADIn speaker-aware training, a speaker embedding is appended to DNN input features. This allows the DNN to effectively learn representations, which are robust to speaker variability.We apply speaker-aware training to attention-based end-to-end speech recognition. We show that it can improve over a purely end-to-end baseline. We also propose speaker-aware training as a viable method to leverage untranscribed, speaker annotated data.We apply state-of-the-art embedding approaches, both i-vectors and neural embeddings, such as x-vectors. We experiment with embeddings trained in two conditions: on the fixed ASR data, and on a large untranscribed dataset. We run our experiments on the TED-LIUM and Wall Street Journal datasets. No embedding consistently outperforms all others, but in many settings neural embeddings outperform i-vectors.Peer reviewe

    Low Resource Comparison of Attention-based and Hybrid ASR Exploiting wav2vec 2.0

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    Funding Information: We are grateful for the Academy of Finland project funding, numbers: 337073, 345790. We acknowledge the computational resources provided by the Aalto Science-IT project. Publisher Copyright: Copyright © 2022 ISCA.Low resource speech recognition can potentially benefit a lot from exploiting a pretrained model such as wav2vec 2.0. These pretrained models have learned useful representations in an unsupervised or self-supervised task, often leveraging a very large corpus of untranscribed speech. The pretrained models can then be used in various ways. In this work we compare two approaches which exploit wav2vec 2.0: an attention-based end-to-end model (AED), where the wav2vec 2.0 model is used in the model encoder, and a hybrid hidden Markov model (HMM/DNN) speech recognition system, where the wav2vec 2.0 model is used in the acoustic model. These approaches are compared in a very difficult Northern Sámi task, as well as an easier, simulated low resource task in Finnish. We find that the wav2vec 2.0 AED models can learn a working attention mechanism, but are still outperformed by wav2vec 2.0 HMM/DNN systems. Our best wav2vec 2.0 HMM/DNN recipe on 20 hours is competitive with an HMM/DNN system trained on 1600 hours.Peer reviewe